Agile Stationery
Multi-team Software Delivery Assessment Cards by Matthew Skelton
Software Delivery Assessment is a tool and a model for assessing and developing teams across various aspects of their practices.
Developed by Team Topologies and DevOps innovator Matthew Skelton for Conflux, the Software Delivery Assessment is a set of 10 themes and 106 success factors. Based on Spotify's Squad Healthcheck, it helps managers support a culture of software delivery while respecting their teams' autonomy and differences.
The assessment covers ten dimensions in total:
- Team Health
- Deployment
- Flow
- Continuous Delivery
- Operability
- Testing and Testability
- Reliability and SRE - New!
- On-call - New!
- Security and Securability - New!
- Team Topologies team interactions - New!
This extended version of the assessment contains the individual success factors within each of the 10 themes, a description of healthy and unhealthy practices for each factor, and an Instruction card.
For more information about the game and how to use the cards click here:
Custom decks
We can help create custom versions of the deck to suit your needs, whether you're thinking of adding that extra impact on the adoption of the technique or spreading awareness of your company.
Contact us on games@agilestationery.co.uk to discuss your requirements.